Home | Monero - secure, private, untraceable
Monero is a currency and can be exchanged for goods, services and other currencies, privately and with very low fees. Many entities will gladly accept XMR for payments; take a look at our …
What is Monero (XMR)? | Monero - secure, private, untraceable
Monero is electronic cash that allows fast, inexpensive payments to and from anywhere in the world. With Monero, there are no wire transfer or check clearing fees, no multi-day holding …
About Monero | Monero - secure, private, untraceable
Here are listed some basic technical info about Monero. For more in-depth details, consult the library or get in touch with the community. Proof of Work. Monero uses randomx, an ASIC …
Downloads | Monero - secure, private, untraceable
On this page you can find and download the latest version available of the Monero software, as well as hardware, light and mobile wallets. Get Started What is Monero?
Home | Monero – sicher, privat, nicht nachverfolgbar
Monero ist eine Währung und kann gegen Waren, Dienstleistungen und andere Währungen getauscht werden, vertraulich und mit sehr niedrigen Gebühren. Viele Unternehmen …
Downloads | Monero - veilig, vertrouwelijk, onvolgbaar
On this page you can find and download the latest version available of the Monero software, as well as hardware, light and mobile wallets.
Mining Monero | Monero - secure, private, untraceable
P2Pool is a clever new way of mining Monero, which allows miners to receive the frequent payouts offered by pools without needing to trust a centralized pool. P2Pool is a Peer-To-Peer …
Home | 门罗币-安全、隐私、无法追踪 - getmonero.org, 门罗 ...
Developers can find everything they need to build a service based on Monero or simply communicate with the network in the 'Developer Guides'. The Library offers publications and …
Mining | Moneropedia | Monero - secure, private, untraceable
Monero is powered strictly by Proof of Work. It employs a mining algorithm that has the potential to be efficiently tasked to billions of existing devices (any modern x86 CPU and many GPUs). …
Home | Monero - seguro, privado, não rastreável
Monero é uma moeda que pode ser trocada por bens, serviços e outras moedas, de maneira privada e com taxas bem acessíveis. Muitas pessoas e empresas aceitam XMR como …