AnTuTu Benchmark - Know Your Android Better - 安兔兔
AnTuTu benchmark is the most popular benchmarking app in the world! Over 200,000,000 users choice AnTuTu. AnTuTu also support cross-platform,including Android, iOS and Windows.
Ranking - Smartphone Performance - AnTuTu Benchmark - Know …
* 1 AnTuTu was developed based on the unique technologies of different platforms, such like Vulkan(Android) and Metal(iOS). cross-platform products may not be directly comparable. * 2 The above list, only the popular models will be displayed, monthly update.
Ranking - General Model Performance - AITuTu Benchmark
* 2 The scores on the AnTuTu AI performance list are the average of all score data for each model in the month, not the highest score.
Ranking - Pad Performance - AnTuTu Benchmark - Know Your …
* 1 AnTuTu was developed based on the unique technologies of different platforms, such like Vulkan(Android) and Metal(iOS). cross-platform products may not be directly comparable. * 2 The above list, only the popular models will be displayed, monthly update.
APK Download - AnTuTu Benchmark - Know Your Android Better
AnTuTu benchmark download by Android google play, iOS App store. (For devices with Android 10 and above with no less than 8GB of RAM.) (For devices with Android 10 and below.)
Global Top10 Best Performing Android Phones, May 2024 - 安兔兔
Jun 4, 2024 · Only the top 10 models with AnTuTu scores are listed here, and more models' Ranking info can be found on the "Ranking" page. The same device in the Antutu V10 will generally score higher than the V9. One reason is that the new 3D test scene is more stressful, corresponding to higher scores.
Ranking - Smartphone SoC Performance - Know Your SoC Better
Smartphone SoC Performance , the best SoC list. The calculation rules for the SoC Rankings are as follows: * 1. The score for an SoC on the leaderboard is derived from the combined total of its CPU and GPU scores alone; scores from other test categories are not included in …
Ranking - Smartphone SoC Performance - Know Your SoC Better
Smartphone SoC Performance , the best SoC list. By AnTuTu Benchmark. www.antutu.com
Ranking - General Model Performance - AITuTu Benchmark - 安兔兔
* 2 The scores on the AnTuTu AI performance list are the average of all score data for each model in the month, not the highest score.