Restraining Order between Co-Workers - Legal Answers - Avvo.com
Sep 5, 2012 · Restraining Order between Co-Workers. You can reach Harkess & Salter LLC at (303) 531-5380 or [email protected].
How can I cancel a temporary restraining order, before I go to the ...
Jun 23, 2009 · You can drop the charges. BUT the court takes very seriously any false police report, IF the original report is true, then I suggest you discuss your options with a criminal defense attorney.
Does a restraining order re a child automatically expire at age 18?
Jul 15, 2016 · Does a restraining order re a child automatically expire at age 18? A judge imposed a restraining order barring me from any contact with my children. There is NO EXPIRATION DATE on the order. Am I allowed to talk to my children once they are 18? They want to talk to me and have even run away to me. No grounds were given for this order.
Can a restraining order dismissal be appealed? - Legal Answers
May 28, 2017 · How to choose a domestic violence attorney: A guide to protecting your rights Tracy Catherine Miller, Attorney 6 Essential Steps When Seeking a Restraining Order in California Thomas William Slattery, Attorney Plead No Contest Gregory Wayne Schwesinger, Attorney ACP: Protecting Addresses for Victims Orion Jacob Nessly, Attorney
One Restraining order for multiple people? - Legal Answers
Aug 26, 2017 · Is it possible to get a restraining order on multiple people simultaneously? In example: Stlaker, his mother, father and sister. And, is it possible to protect multiple people with one restraining order? For example: Head of household applies to protect himself, wife, and multiple children - children being +18 years - against stalker & his family.
How can I fight a false restraining order full of lies?? - Avvo.com
Jan 26, 2012 · The DA dropped the charges for "insufficient evidence". I made the mistake of staying in the relationship. The physical abuse occurred on three occasions, emotional abuse was ongoing. We FINALLY split three weeks ago. Last week I was served with a temporary restraining order full of complete LIES alleging that I was the abuser.
Can I file a restraining order on someone with a mental illness?
Feb 25, 2017 · To get a DV order you need to establish you are imminent danger of harm and/or fear for your safety or the safety of your kids (once is all that is needed). Your post does not say if you are divorced or have a plan or custody order that places the kids with you. If so, you may want to seek a restraining order in those existing proceedings.
Restraining orders students that go to the same school
Aug 27, 2013 · The restraining order would have to be modified to allow school contact or it is a violation. To modify the order, a Motion must be filed. Maury D. Beaulier Attorney at Law (612) 240-8005 [email protected]
How do I revoke or dismiss a restraining order? - Legal Answers
May 13, 2012 · A restraining order was filed against me only because the petitioner who filed it is filing the order as a retaliatory measure because I have served her a modification of child support and parenting plan. The declaration of why she filed it is an abuse of the order and makes false accusations against myself.
How far away physically does a person who has a restraining order ...
Nov 4, 2009 · Each restraining order has its own terms as to how far away a defendant must stay from the complaintant. Typically it is 50 or 100 feet. If you become aware that your ex is within that protection zone, it is up to you to remove yourself from the location. However, if you were unaware that she was there, it is impossible to comply.