Populus fremontii - Wikipedia
P. fremontii is a large tree growing from 12–35 m (39–115 ft) in height with a wide crown, with a trunk up to 1.5 m (4 ft 11 in) in diameter. The bark is smooth when young, becoming deeply …
Populus fremontii (Western Cottonwood) - Gardenia
Fast-growing, Populus fremontii (Western Cottonwood) is an upright-spreading deciduous tree with stout branches clad with heart-shaped, bright green leaves turning a lovely yellow in fall. …
Populus fremontii S. Watson - Calflora
Populus fremontii is a tree that is native to California, and also found elsewhere in western North America.
Fremont’s cottonwood is a native tree growing in riparian areas near streams, rivers and wetlands in the American Southwest. Fremont's cottonwood trees range from 12 to 35 meters in height, …
Fremont Cottonwood - Calscape
Fremont cottonwood (Populus fremontii) is a fast-growing native shade tree found in alluvial bottomlands and along streamsides at elevations from 0 to 6,500 feet. It thrives in moist soils …
Populus fremontii is distributed throughout the Southwest, extending from California eastward to Nevada, Colorado, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, and southward into Mexico. This species …
Species: Populus fremontii - US Forest Service
The currently accepted scientific name of Fremont cottonwood is Populus fremontii S. Wats. (Salicaceae) [82,95,96,97,162]. Recognized infrataxa are as follows: Populus fremontii ssp. …
Populus Fremontii | Capitol Reef Field Station - Utah Valley University
Populus fremontii is native to Utah and common along the drainages of the Colorado river system, and sporadic elsewhere. This plant can be found in warm desert biomes where it is localized …
CNPS Alliance: Populus fremontii - Fraxinus velutina - Salix gooddingii
is a fast-growing, short-lived tree that is shade intolerant. Trees produce copious, wind-dispersed seeds in the spring that are viable for up to 5days. Seeds germinate on moist alluvium and …
SEINet Portal Network - Populus fremontii - swbiodiversity.org
Notes: A common, often large tree of southwestern streamsides, identified by its coarsely-toothed, shiny triangular leaves, large size, and spreading crown. This is the only broad-leaf …