Having a powerful sidearm to fall back on makes all the difference in the world in those moments. But which weapon to choose?
Poseidon MRA1 aircraft from the Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance (ISTAR) Force to assist ...
Moscú, 29 ene (Sputnik).- Los aduaneros del aeropuerto moscovita de Domodédovo descubrieron y confiscaron arena volcánica ...
The last British submarine known to have severed a cable was HMS Conqueror in 1982. Fresh from firing the torpedoes that sank ...
Se sospecha que el Kremlin ha desplegado el buque para acechar el fondo marino y recabar información que podría utilizarse en actos de sabotaje. #EuroVerify ...
A whale was detected approaching and then moving away from one of the country's major naval bases where nuclear submarines ...