Reinhard Genzel, born 1952 in Bad Homburg v d H, Germany, is currently the Director of Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, a Professor in the Physics Department of the University of ...
Mary E. Hatten is a developmental neurobiologist recognized for her work on cerebellar development. She is known particularly for her elucidation of the mechanisms underlying glial-guided neuronal ...
Hake was born in Iowa City, Iowa. Her family moved to California when she was 10, but she returned to Iowa to attend Grinnell College. From there, she went to Washington University for her PhD in ...
My current research topics are in the fields of econometrics and economic theory, specifically, the economics of aging, savings behavior, demographic trends, housing mobility, dynamics of health and ...
The structure and function of ion channels with emphasis on K+ channels is the subject of my research. These integral membrane proteins mediate the passive flow of K+ ions across cell membranes, ...
After undergraduate and graduate training at MIT and Harvard Medical School, Internal Medicine training at MGH, and postdoctoral and Cardiology training at UCSF, Dr. Coughlin joined the UCSF faculty ...
I have studied the mechanisms whereby proteins are translocated across biological membranes. This study has led us to isolate the "preprotein translocase" from E. coli. It consists of a multisubunit, ...
Germ cells are the stem cells for the next generation. Set-aside during embryogenesis from the somatic cells that form the body of the organism, germ cells, through the fusion of sperm and egg, ...
Rhizobium-legume symbiosis was always in the focus of my research interest. First by its importance in the combined nitrogen-pool of the Earth through nitrogen fixation but mostly because of the ...
Research director (emeritus) at the CEA, Jean Jouzel is an expert in climate and glaciology. He has mainly worked on the reconstruction of past climate derived from the study of the Antarctic and ...
I have had a life-long interest in endocrine physiology, with particular emphasis on parathyroid hormone (PTH) and its role in normal and pathophysiological calcium and bone metabolism. The ...
Rachel Wilson is a neuroscientist known for her contributions to cellular and systems neurophysiology. Her research focuses on the relationship between cellular biophysical properties and neural ...