When an antique dealer buys multiple different items for one price, eg from a house clearance, how do they measure the cost of each item? Dividing price by ...
As reported by Ian Holloway in July 2023 [1], “administrative discrepancies” caused tens of thousands of eligible taxpayers ...
Currently HMRC’s main use of AI is believed to be in compliance risk, for example in VAT fraud, by detecting patterns of VAT ...
In /Go City Limited vs HMRC [1]/, the first tier tribunal (FTT) couldn’t see the attraction in HMRC’s four assessments of a ...
If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail”. The well-known quote is attributed to Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), renowned ...
On 3 September, in one of its first significant forays into the world of taxation so far, the new Labour government announced ...
I bought an old farmhouse 10 years ago with an attached barn.  We converted the barn into a holiday let and it has been let for the last 5 years.  We ...
I have a company set up where a company is leasing a shop with a flat above it. The flat is then subleased to one of the shareholders who rent it out ...
The term “Britishcore” [1] is inexplicably riding high on the hog, flagging some of the more mundane and ramshackle aspects ...
Why aren't these so-called "freebie" benefits caught by this? Charitable chairman caught out by employment-related benefits | AccountingWEB ...
The prime minister allegedly wasted little time in confining a portrait of Margaret Thatcher to a dark and dusty cupboard at ...
The accounting field is currently facing a notable shortage of qualified professionals, especially in the United States, ...