This course is about database systems, focusing on relational databases. It covers advanced use of such systems, including advanced SQL, SQL query optimization, and use of indexes. The course also ...
This course will give you an introduction to robotics. You will learn about the mechanical structure of robots, the spatial description of robots and transformations. The course also deals with ...
In this course you will learn about understanding in the development and use of digital systems. You learn about different systems, the needs of users, and the social significance of the systems, and ...
The aim of this course is to provide an introduction to basic proteomics techniques. PhD candidates from the University of Oslo should apply for classes and register for examinations through ...
This course explains the basics of renewable and non-renewable resource exploitation and management and the relation between fossil fuel extraction and climate change. It covers open access and ...
Digital signal processing is a basis for the development of new methods in areas such as telecommunications (mobile telephony), multimedia (MP3), medicine (ultrasound), sonar, seismic, remote sensing ...
This is an advanced course on computational physics with an emphasis on quantum mechanical systems with many interacting particles. The course covers Stochastic methods like various Monte Carlo ...
This course explores the written traces of songs created before 1600, mainly in but not restricted to Europe. What kinds of songs existed? Who composed them? Who performed them? When, where, and for ...
Undervisningen består av 4 timer forelesning og 2 timer gruppeundervisning pr uke. Undervisningen samkjøres med undervisningen i IN1900 første halvdel av semesteret. I den siste delen vil det være ...
Studenter som ikke består eksamen kan benytte seg av et nytt eksamensforsøk så snart som det lar seg gjøre (kontinuasjonseksamen). Kontinuasjonseksamen avholdes normalt innen 3 måneder etter ordinær ...
4 timer forelesning og 2 timer gruppeundervisning pr uke. Det er sterkt anbefalt å møte på første forelesningen fordi det vil bli gitt viktig information. Det kreves innlevering av obligatoriske ...
Det arrangeres utsatt eksamen i starten av neste semester for studenter som dokumenterer gyldig fravær fra ordinær eksamen. Det arrangeres ny eksamen for studenter som ikke består ordinær eksamen.