Dear Annie: My sister expects me to make my son, and his friends, spend time with her son. Our sons are in their early 20s ...
I do my best to encourage my son to include my nephew, but at his age, I feel it is not my place to force him to hang out ...
Dear Sad Sister: You’re right that you can’t force your son to include his cousin -- he’s an adult in charge of his own ...
Dear Annie: Two and a half years ago, I made the difficult and dangerous decision to leave a 25-year abusive marriage. My ...
"I do my best to encourage my son to include my nephew, but at his age, I feel it is not my place to force him to hang out ...
I feel it is not my place to force him to hang out with his cousin. My sister is very angry with me and my son.
She tends to find issues with others and with me that are absolutely ridiculous, and anger comes out in tantrums.
While she can't force her son to hang out with his autistic cousin, Annie does advise her to impress upon him the importance ...
That said, it hurts that my son doesn’t make an effort to connect with me beyond needing child care. I want to address this ...
I don’t want to damage our relationship or risk losing time with my grandchildren. How can I talk to him about this without ...
Dear Annie: I’ve been in a relationship with someone who has consistently treated me like a human ATM machine. Every chance ...