Family drama Vanvaas, directed by Anil Sharma, follows an elderly man with dementia abandoned by his sons. Starring Nana ...
Nana Patekar and Utkarsh Sharma’s latest film Vanvaas is currently running successfully in the theatres with its OTT deal ...
New Delhi, Delhi Police has claimed to foil a major criminal conspiracy orchestrated by the Kapil Nandu gang and arrested ...
Delhi Police has claimed to foil a major criminal conspiracy orchestrated by the Kapil Nandu gang and arrested seven of its members.
Seven members of the Kapil Nandu gang were arrested in north Delhi's Burari before they could execute a rival's murder that ...
Ebola is a deadly hemorrhagic disease caused by a virus that is endemic in parts of East-Central and West Africa. Most people are aware that a primary route for person-to-person transmission is ...
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco President Mary Daly and Federal Reserve Board Governor Adriana Kugler speak as they attend the American Economics Association's annual conference, in San ...
Beauty was extremely important in ancient Greece and not just for women but for men, as well. As admirers of beauty, ancient Greeks placed great emphasis on healthy skin, and, naturally, they ...
Two top European port visits have been dropped from an upcoming Regal Princess cruise, but guests have some time to adapt.
Rohit Sharma era comes to an end, India needs a bowler as captain to take an objective look at it's over-used and fragile ...
Unlike 2020-21, which saw govt engaging proactively with agitating farm unions leading to repeal of three agri laws, this time the Centre has rejigged its stance towards farmers pressing for MSP law ...