Observing the distinct forms and bark of trees like bald cypress, crape myrtles, and redbuds provides visual interest.
JR Davis, an arborist with Davey Tree Service in Monroe, talks about tree pruning and common diseases, including a new one ...
The white oak, scientifically known as Quercus alba, is one of the most abundant trees across much of eastern North […] ...
Leaves are probably the most common feature used to identify trees. But in winter, when so many trees have dropped their ...
Genetic modification is the only credible path to restoring the blight-wracked American chestnut. Bruce Beehler is a ...
Pasadena resident Jessica Richards, who last year fought to save an oak tree in McDonald ... scrape the bark with a knife or chisel to inspect the cambium layer. Green or white cambium indicates ...
AUSTIN (KXAN) — Texas’ porcupines are moving more and more into Central Texas. The Texas A&M Forest Service said earlier this ...
That’s why a group of Altadenans, called Altadena Green, are scrambling to save as many viable trees as they can while Phase ...
Learn a stranger’s name and that person becomes an acquaintance. Discover more about them, and there’s an opportunity for ...
The American beech (Fagus grandifolia) is a medium to tall tree native to North America. A member of the Fagaceae family, this tree is closely related to other commonly known trees such as all species ...
The recent blowdown in northern Minnesota caused major damage to state lands, as well as private forest lands. While landowners are not required to clean up downed trees and debris, the Department ...