As of 06:00 a.m. on Friday, January 31, russia has 2 ships on combat duty in the Black Sea, 1 of which is a carrier of Kalibr ...
Five years ago, for instance, it started building a new class of ballistic missile submarines called Columbia, the perceived replacement for the aging Ohio class. The U.S. Navy plans a fleet of 12 ...
The first relatively large, fully autonomous XLUUV-class drone submarines are entering U.S. military service to perform specialized missions. But more powerful AI with quantum computing might ...
As part of the construction of the seventh and final Astute-class nuclear-powered attack submarine, the Royal Navy has confirmed that its new designation will be HMS Achilles. According to an official ...
While the movement of Russian surface warships can be tracked with some certainty regarding the accuracy of the ...
The current set of upgrades includes a remarkable increase in the 28,000 ton nuclear-powered cruiser’s strike ability.
In a historic first, the Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) successfully used an MBDA Exocet MM40 Block 3 Anti-Ship Missile in a land-attack mode on Tuesday, December 10. This is the sixth Exocet fired by ...