Nearly a year after the launch of the Rs 75,000 crore PM Surya Ghar scheme, 8.5 lakh households have successfully installed rooftop solar connections, Union Minister for New and Renewable Energy ...
Jaipur: Controversy erupted in Rajasthan over making Surya Namaskar mandatory in schools on the occasion of Surya Saptami.
Nearly a year after the Centre launched the ₹75,000 crore PM Surya Ghar scheme, 8.5 lakh households have installed rooftop ...
Coimbatore police arrest three for murdering youth and dumping body in Bhavanisagar reservoir, investigation underway.
In the Hindu tradition, Ratha Saptami holds significant importance as a day dedicated to the worship of the Sun God, Surya.
Union Home and Cooperation Minister Amit Shah inaugurated the Hindu Adhyatmik ane Seva Melo on Thursday to promote social and ...
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Surya HK (SHK): Your book examines how colonial forces shaped Hindu identity. Was there a particular figure in history that influenced your understanding of this transformation? Manu Pillai (MP ...
Surya Dev occupies a special place in the Hindu pantheon and zodiac as the god of life and light. Worshipped as the lord of the nine planetary deities, he is the deity of power, health and leadership.