The hotel is within the Prince Edward Island National Park, about a half-hour drive from Charlottetown ... I giggled as I autographed an old-school guestbook perched on a small stand.
The Winterdine Festival in Charlottetown occurs every year towards the the ... Grab your sled and head to Stone Park Intermediate School. Zip down the hill, make some snow angels, and even build a ...
Students at Sherwood Elementary School were already expecting an extra three weeks of summer vacation. Now, they’ll have an ...
Keenan said his Instagram page "basically has instructions on how to start a bike bus in your community, and his Instagram channel is full of really heartwarming videos of kids taking this group ride ...
Starting in the spring, two Charlottetown schools will use bike buses once a week to bring students to school. "Ultimately, the program will be led by school communities themselves," Keenan said.