Community members are continuing to demand answers to a controversial drug outreach program in a Portland school zone.
RENO, Nev. (News 4 & Fox 11) — The Washoe County School District Zoning Advisory Committee held a meeting Thursday evening to discuss potential changes to zoning boundaries for several schools.
During school zone hours when beacons are flashing, tickets will be issued at 26 mph in 15 mph zones and 36 mph in 25 mph zones. Outside beacon times but during school hours, citations will be based ...
Residents and families from the Town of Shaunavon can look forward to safer school zones, thanks to a grant through SGI's Provincial Traffic Safety Fund. Just last week, it was announced that a ...
Albany has made some big bucks off the speeding cameras at school zones. According to Albany Treasurer Darius Shahinfar, the city has issued 46,500 tickets to motorists speeding through school ...
There is concern growing in Syria that the new Islamist-led authorities have already decided on changes to the school curriculum, without the input of the rest of society. The Facebook page of the ...
MACON, Ga. — If you are tired of school speed zone cameras, District 144 House Representative Dale Washburn says he agrees and is taking action to try to ban them across the state. A speed ...
Cape Coral will start activating school zone speed cameras in January, with a 30-day warning period before fines begin. The program aims to reduce speeding and improve student safety. Cameras will ...
We’re bright and visible in school zones,” he said. “If you’re speeding with a patrol car present, you don’t have much to complain about.” The new system also ensures due process for ...
But activists believe the unilateral changes in the school curriculum undercut such promises and want to make a stand right from the start for the values of freedom and inclusion that the removal ...
Michigan beat Alabama and college football fans made the same sarcastic SEC joke First blue-eyed human, a dark-haired lactose-intolerant infant, found in 17,000-year-old remains 5 great Amazon ...
A School Safety Zone is a designated stretch of roadway which includes school safety zone signs and a variety of measures such as watch your speed signs, improved pavement makings, flashing beacons, ...