The Samsung Galaxy Ring was launched in India at Rs. 38,999. While the price on the company's website remains the same, customers can use the coupon code "GALAXYRING," to get a Rs. 10,000 discount ( ...
Meanwhile, Samsung Galaxy S25 buyers, particularly those who pre-order the handset, can get a Rs. 11,000 upgrade bonus as well as Rs. 7,000 cashback offers with a nine-month no-cost EMI option. The ...
Tamil Nadu labour dept Monday officially recognised Samsung India Workers Union, a development that took place at the end of a 7-month struggle by employees.
Samsung is planning to expand its 5G smartphone lineup in India with the upcoming launch of four new models — the Galaxy A06, ...
Samsung executive T M Roh has termed India an "important market” for the development and sales of its Galaxy AI technology.