Waaree Renewable Technologies dropped 6.19% to Rs 1,075 after the company's consolidated net profit fell 16.71% to Rs 53.51 crore in Q3 FY25 as against Rs 64.25 crore posted in Q3 FY24.
The banking sector is likely to post an earnings decline of 10 percent YoY and 24 percent QoQ in 4Q2024, amid a higher ...
This paper discusses the three schools of thought regarding ‘income’ in such cases, the first one that says there must be entry of cost price in the revenue column thereby leading to cancellation in ...
Aeroflex Industries hit an upper circuit of 20% at Rs 223.20 after the company's consolidated net profit jumped 68.32% Rs 15.20 crore on 36.47% increase in revenue from operations to Rs 99.79 crore in ...
Comcast's rare disclosure of Olympics revenue highlights the misalignment in the traditional cable bundle's valuation system.
Unum Group is a buy with strong market presence, growth potential, and undervaluation contributing to its resilience and ...
Revenue increased by 9.55% YoY & profit decreased by 4.1% YoY, profit at ₹322.4 crore and revenue at ₹2653 crore.
Revenue decreased by 35.66% YoY & profit increased by 14.63% YoY, profit at ₹421.31 crore and revenue at ₹17389.85 crore ...
Discover the tax-free limit for foreign income in the UK, and learn about the relevant guidelines and regulations.
Wells Fargo and other large wealth managers have been under scrutiny from plaintiffs' lawyers and regulators for the returns they pay on uninvested cash. It hardly mattered for Wells' bottom line last ...
The bank said profit rose 50% to $14 billion in the fourth quarter as noninterest expenses fell 7% from a year earlier.
JPMorgan’s net income soared 50% to more than $14 billion in the fourth quarter as the bank’s profit and revenue easily beat ...