"Alien: Earth" is a new TV prequel to the "Alien" franchise. It starts when a spaceship crashes on Earth with a xenomorph on ...
One of my gripes with "The Martian" movie was the depiction of the winds on Mars. The lower air density means that the sort ...
On January 27, FX and Disney (yeah, remember they own the Alien franchise now after buying Fox) released a new teaser for ...
But there’s one notable thing about this new teaser that has really got my attention, and it has nothing to do with the Xenomorph tearing through the damaged ship or the view of this vessel hurtling ...
A group of soldiers have to investigate a mysterious crashed ship in Noah Hawley's upcoming sci-fi horror, "Alien: Earth." ...
Alien: Earth’, the highly anticipated Hulu series, marks the return of the sci-fi classic. Following the events of the new movie, this new production will focus on the arrival of the Xenomorphs on our ...
Anyone could make a mistake in thinking that the “fiction” bit of science fiction absolves the genre of any responsibility to ...
Jan. 27 (UPI) -- FX has released a new teaser for the Alien: Earth series. In the clip, titled "Destination," viewers see the ...
The teaser (which you can see above) follows a xenomorph racing through a human spacecraft, with emergency lights flickering ...
There’s nowhere else on earth with so many untold stories,” says Planet Earth: Asia host and renowned naturalist David ...
Broadcast Intelligence is the only place to get up to date information on the current content needs of 500+ global buyers, a ...