An SDR, a homebrew antenna, and some off-the-shelf software, and you too can see weather satellite images on your screen in real time. But where’s the challenge? That seems to be the question ...
The location of a significant battle that took place nearly 1,400 years ago has been identified using declassified spy satellite imagery. Archaeologists pinpointed the site of the Battle of al ...
The Israel-Hamas war has devastated the Gaza Strip. Satellite photos offer some sense of the destruction in the territory.
One thing we found was a large box of old aerial photos, tightly rolled up and heavily damaged. After some significant effort from LNP photographer Vinny Tennis, the photos were unrolled ...
From natural disasters and humanitarian crises to advances in space exploration, here's how 2024 was seen from space.
Upon analyzing the images, which were taken in 1973 by a U.S. satellite system named KH-9 (Hexagon), the team found remnants of a 1,400-year-old settlement. This helped them match the site to the ...