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North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has inspected a facility that produces nuclear material and called for bolstering the country ...
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has called for bolstering nuclear forces this year during a visit to a nuclear material ...
All North Korean recruits are taught a song that includes a verse about saving their last bullet for themselves to avoid ...
The dictator, eager to shut out the influence of Hollywood and K-pop, has been exalting a “shock brigade” of 300,000 teens ...
North Korea says it tested a cruise missile system, its third known weapons display this year, and vowed “the toughest” ...
Lt. Gen. Kyrylo Budanov said North Korea has already provided Russia with 120 self-propelled artillery guns and 120 ...
Ukrainian forces described a different kind of enemy, fighting with unfamiliar tactics and little option to retreat.
North Korea is implementing stricter safety measures in construction after numerous fatal accidents during flood ...
South Korea rebuked President Trump’s remarks calling North Korea a “nuclear power,” raising concern about the relationship ...