This round of AI deployment by energy SOEs follows a recent such move by the telecommunications sector, wherein the country's three major operators — China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom — ...
Kue cucur merupakan salah satu camilan tradisional Indonesia yang memiliki cita rasa manis dan tekstur unik. Kue ini terbuat dari bahan-bahan sederhana yang mudah ditemukan, seperti tepung beras dan ..., Jakarta Lebaran memang identik dengan tradisi menyajikan kue kering di meja tamu, sehingga permintaan akan aneka kue seperti nastar, kastengel, putri salju, dan lidah kucing meningkat ...
ECONOMYNEXT – Sri Lanka Ports Authority, Ceylon Petroleum Corporation and Ceylon Shipping Corporation is planning a bunker operation in Colombo port with a private party, Deputy Minister of Ports and ...
State-owned enterprises (SOEs) and joint venture companies (JVCs) are facing deepening financial distress’ and without urgent reforms, their continued deterioration could derail any prospects of ...
State-owned enterprises (SOEs) and joint venture companies (JVCs) are facing deepening financial distress’ and without urgent reforms, their continued deterioration could derail any prospects of ...
Danantara has been positioned as a key tool to drive economic growth, with a mandate to oversee and restructure SOEs and massively expand its asset base. The fund is also a central tool in President ...
ISLAMABAD: The Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) is reportedly unaware if the State Owned Entireties (SOEs) fall under its jurisdiction with respect to procurement or have their own ...
Sat, March 8, 2025 Published on Mar. 7, 2025 Published on 2025-03-07T19:14:46+07:00 tate-owned enterprises (SOEs) are offering free mudik (exodus) trips for 100,000 travelers using buses ..., Jakarta Kue Nona Manis menjadi salah satu camilan tradisional yang populer karena teksturnya yang lembut dan cita rasanya yang manis serta gurih. Kue ini memiliki tampilan unik dengan ...
PALPOS.ID - Kue soes, atau yang dikenal juga dengan nama kue sus, merupakan salah satu jenis kue yang sangat populer di Indonesia. Kue yang berbahan dasar tepung terigu, telur, mentega, dan air ini ...
Former Minister for Public Enterprises, Joseph Cudjoe, has strongly refuted claims made by Finance Minister Dr Ato Forson that most State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) are in financial distress.