The first installment of the new true crime docu-series is titled The Curious Case of Bam Margera, although much of the focus lies on his former legal guardian Lima Jevremovic, who launched VR ...
Natalia Grace was adopted from Ukraine when she was 6, but in a disturbing twist, her adoptive parents claimed she was an ...
Michael and Kristine Barnett adopted Natalia Grace and later successfully petitioned a court to legally re-age her, claiming ...
The Curious Case of Natalia Grace debuted in two parts, nominally “seasons,” roughly one year ago. Now, we have a “Final ...
Natalia Grace is confirmed now to be 22 years old. This revelation, based on advanced DNA testing by TruDiagnostic, puts to rest years of speculation and controversy surrounding her age. Adopted by ...
The Final Chapter' episode 2 recap: Outside observers accuse the Mans family of physical abuse and financial fraud ...
Natalia Grace in New York on October 3 ... who began questioning her behavior just six months after becoming legal guardians of the 21-year-old with a rare form of dwarfism. The Manses had taken ...
Understanding the case of Natalia Grace She enlisted her boyfriend and old friends Nicole and Vince DePaul, to create an escape plan. The DePauls tried to adopt Natalia in 2009 but were turned ...
By Brande Victorian The third and final season of The Curious Case of Natalia Grace begins with Natalia ... became legal guardians of the 21-year-old who has a rare form of dwarfism known ...