Le Tata sénégalais de Chasselay (Rhône), nécropole dédiée aux combattants africains de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, a été vandalisé mercredi 29 janvier. Emmanuel Macron a dénoncé une « honte » et une « ...
La croissance américaine a légèrement ralenti au dernier trimestre (+0,6%), a indiqué jeudi le département du Commerce.
Gross domestic product was 0.1% less in the fourth quarter than the third, when a boost from the games held in Paris in July and August helped the French economy grow at the fastest rate last year.
For the year as a whole, France's economy kept the same pace as in 2023, growing at 1.1%. Alongside a second-straight year of contraction in beleaguered Germany, the eurozone's largest economy, France ...
Will the Louvre’s New Renaissance project, which will create a separate special chamber for the Mona Lisa, allow for an eventual political renaissance for France’s beleaguered President?
Le président qui visitait ce mercredi un site du groupe Framatome, géant de la filière nucléaire, à Maubeuge, a appelé à ...
French President Emmanuel Macron compared the facelift to the rebuilding of the Notre Dame cathedral, which is still ongoing ...
French President Emmanuel Macron’s plans for installing contemporary windows inside the restored Notre Dame Cathedral is ...