Ishqbaaz actress Shrenu Parikh tied the knot with her longtime beau Akshay Mhatre on December 21, 2023, in Vadodara. The two got married in the presence of close friends and family. In a candid ...
Actor Akshay Mhatre, known for his roles in Hindi television shows and Marathi films, has now bagged a lead role in the upcoming Marathi TV show "Punha Kartavya Aahe". This news comes as a ...
Mumbai’s young cricket star, Ayush Mhatre, has been making headlines for his outstanding performances in domestic cricket. However, the 17-year-old had to step aside for India’s Test captain ...
At 17 years and 168 days, Mhatre broke the previous record set by India batter Jaiswal, who was 17 years and 291 days when he achieved the feat while playing for Mumbai against against Jharkhand ...