This Hollywood drama is based on the events of the Apollo 13 lunar mission, astronauts Jim Lovell, Fred Haise and Jack Swigert find everything going according to plan after leaving Earth's orbit.
comes the incredible story of Apollo 13, as told by the astronauts in space and the teams on the ground that battled to prevent disaster.
Hear what the astronauts of Apollo 13 had to say in this collection of interviews. Featuring Jim Lovell, Jack Swigert, Fred Haise.
Lithium batteries are in the news constantly. But lithium has plenty of other uses. It's a drug for bipolar disorder. It used ...
In Platoff's report, she points out that NASA engineers were challenged by the prospect of Apollo astronauts raising a flag on the moon. "They designed a flagpole with a horizontal bar allowing ...
Utilizing a combination of actual mission footage, vintage Apollo 13 audio recordings, stoic newscasts, and archival interviews with the astronauts' families and NASA ground personnel, British ...
CAPE KENNEDY -- America's first three Apollo astronauts died only 218 feet off the ground Friday night in a blazing explosion inside their space capsule atop its launch pad. An electrical spark ...