Infertility is when you have trouble getting pregnant or staying pregnant. Fertility problems can happen in people of all genders and can have many causes. Infertility is common. If you are under 35, ...
Our health centers' expert staff can continue to provide you with a full range of sexual and reproductive health services, including abortion care. If you or someone you know needs an appointment, ...
Anybody who has oral, anal, or vaginal sex, or genital skin-to-skin contact with another person can get STDs — in fact, most sexually active people get one at some point in their life. STDs don’t ...
Procedural abortions can be done with your choice of local anesthesia (awake during the procedure but the area is numbed) or sedation (asleep during the procedure). There is an additional charge for ...
CHICAGO - Planned Parenthood of Illinois (PPIL) today announced its President and CEO Jennifer Welch will step down from her role after over 7 years of dedicated service. PPIL Chief Financial Officer ...
Si necesitas anticonceptivos de emergencia (pastilla del día después), puedes ir a nuestro centro de salud sin cita previa en nuestro horario de atención. Puedes ir a nuestro centro de salud sin cita ...
States with restrictive abortion policies face growing population losses, jeopardizing economic futures and community well-being. The report estimates that states with total abortion bans are ...
You just want to keep your kid safe and healthy. There is often online chatter around vaccinations. And it can feel scary and confusing when you read things that question whether you should get your ...
Este blog fue adaptado de uno escrito originalmente en inglés. Empecemos por lo obvio: lo que más queremos es que nuestrxs hijxs se mantengan saludables y segurxs. Pero sobre el tema de las vacunas, ...
January is Cervical Health Awareness Month, so let’s talk about the causes and risks of cervical cancer and how it can be prevented. Every year, about 13,000 people are diagnosed with cervical cancer, ...
Columbus, OH — Yesterday, Governor DeWine signed HB 8, Ohio’s controversial “Don’t Say Gay” bill into law. Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio (PPAO), Ohio Center for Sex Education (OCSE), and ...
Some services may be covered by your insurance. If you want to use your insurance, please be sure to have your insurance information at the time of your visit. If you are uninsured, you may be ...