This paper briefly highlights some of the major impacts and influences that IUCN Resolutions have had on conservation. It is not meant to be comprehensive, but rather to focus attention on some of the ...
There are currently three species of Asian rhino: the Indian or greater one-horned Asian rhino, the Javan or lesser one-horned Asian rhino and the Sumatran or Asian two-horned rhino. Today, all three ...
Macro, micro and nano plastics threaten Mediterranean species, ecosystems and human health. The Mediterranean is the sixth greatest accumulation zone for marine litter: this sea holds only 1% of the ...
This report focuses on the management of natural coastal carbon sinks. There is a lack of recognition and focus on coastal marine ecosystems to complement activities already well advanced on land to ...
The Cultural & Spiritual Values of Protected Areas Specialist Group aims to promote the appropriate recognition and inclusion of all relevant cultural and spiritual values, knowledge, and meanings ...
The IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC) established the Young Professional Task Force to propose a blueprint to execute the activities from the SSC perspective to achieve the goals of youth ... I ...
Inicio Nuestra Unión Comisiones de Expertos de L... Comisión de Gestión de Ecos ...
Of the seven terrestrial species of bears, inhabiting four continents, five are globally threatened and one other has many separate threatened populations. The IUCN SSC Bear Specialist Group (BSG) ...
In 2019, with support from the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), IUCN launched the Plastic Waste Free Islands (PWFI) project, as part of its global Close the Plastic Tap Programme.
This guide aims to assist companies, which are interested in transforming their operations to meet today’s widely-accepted global goals for biodiversity and sustainable development. It reflects input ...
Analysis and engagement with partners working on ecosystem services transactions, policies and laws over the past 10 years have demonstrated a clear need to better understand the legal and ...
Geodiversity refers to the variety of the geological and physical elements of nature, such as minerals, rocks, soils, fossils and landforms, and active geological and geomorphological processes.