These are the most recent figures on this topic. View the previous figures here. © CBS The mood among consumers is less negative in September than in the previous ...
These are the most recent figures on this topic. View the previous figures here. © ANP / Hans van Rhoon In July 2024, the investment volume for tangible fixed assets ...
Among those detainees for whom the highest level of education was known, in 62 percent of cases this was MBO level (secondary vocational education). A small number of detainees (8 percent) had taken ...
In August, there was a drop in the employment rate to 73 percent. From January to July, this percentage had been hovering at around 73.3. The decline in August affected mostly young people and those ...
Statistics Netherlands publishes national trends and indices based on monitoring data from the Network Ecological Monitoring (NEM). A specially developed program for analysing ecological data with ...
This page contains an overview of new and revised StatLine tables. Revisions of updated, adjusted and corrected tables comprise changes or additional figures. Clicking on a title will show a default ...
This means the highest level of education that an individual has taken part in. It does not mean that they graduated successfully. The level of education is based on a combination of data sourced from ...
A detainee is defined as a person who is detained in a penitentiary institution in the Netherlands, such as a house of detention or prison, either awaiting trial (pre-trial detention), or serving an ...
Van de mensen die in het derde kwartaal van 2019 startten met een re-integratie- of participatievoorziening had 18 procent ...
De overheidsschuld is de eerste helft van 2024 met ruim 6 miljard euro afgenomen tot 475 miljard euro. Dat is 43,2 procent ...
In augustus 2024 waren de prijzen van bestaande koopwoningen gemiddeld 11,2 procent hoger dan in augustus 2023.
Het reëel beschikbaar inkomen van huishoudens was in het tweede kwartaal van dit jaar 1,6 procent hoger dan een jaar eerder.