A decade after Bristol Myers Squibb first won approval for its PD-1 checkpoint inhibitor Opdivo, the cancer drug has been ...
BioNTech settles with NIH and UPenn over Comirnaty royalties, paying $750M to NIH and $400M to UPenn for 2020-2023, with ...
Novo Nordisk's CagriSema fell short of weight loss goals, causing 17% stock drop. Drug shows similar results to Eli Lilly's ...
WuXi AppTec will sell its Ad­vanced Ther­a­pies unit to the US pri­vate eq­ui­ty firm Al­taris for an undis­closed amount, a long-an­tic­i­pat­ed move af­ter months of … ...
The FDA on Fri­day is­sued two si­mul­ta­ne­ous cys­tic fi­bro­sis ap­provals for Ver­tex Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals but in­clud­ed high-lev­el safe­ty warn­ings for both.
The Fed­er­al Trade Com­mis­sion is prais­ing an ap­peals court de­ci­sion call­ing for Te­va to delist five in­haler patents from the FDA’s Or­ange Book.
No­vo Nordisk fi­nal­ly won US ap­proval for its he­mo­phil­ia drug Al­he­mo fol­low­ing the prod­uct’s re­jec­tion by the FDA last year.
Sum­it­o­mo Phar­ma’s oral treat­ment for over­ac­tive blad­der symp­toms won an ex­pand­ed la­bel from the FDA, and is now ap­proved to treat men who are si­mul­ta­ne­ous­ly … ...
The Cen­ters for Medicare and Med­ic­aid Ser­vices on Fri­day re­leased de­tailed but heav­i­ly redact­ed ex­pla­na­tions of how it de­ter­mined new prices for the first 10 … ...
Am­gen, Eli Lil­ly and UCB sued the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment, claim­ing that sev­er­al STD clin­ics get­ting drug dis­counts un­der the fed­er­al 340B aren’t ac­tu­al­ly el­i ...
In­ma­gene Bio­phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, a biotech de­vel­op­ing im­munol­o­gy treat­ments, will take over the Nas­daq list­ing of Ike­na On­col­o­gy in a re­verse merg­er that ...
Bris­tol My­ers Squibb’s bet on TYK2 con­tin­ued to pay off Mon­day, as So­tyk­tu passed two more Phase 3 tests in pso­ri­at­ic arthri­tis, the com­pa­ny an­nounced … ...