Before Mike Schur helped create beloved comedy series like “The Good Place,” “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” and “Parks and Recreation,” ...
Despite his time writing on Saturday Night Live, Michael Schur wasn’t a fan of one sketch parodying his work. After leaving ...
The fictional Japanese show starred white SNL cast members like Jason Sudeikis playing Jim, Kristen Wiig playing Pam, Bill ...
"It was a bit of a let down. Flanagan has turned 60 now and has let a bit of grumpy ‘you can’t say anything’ into his act." ...
Introduced by Ricky Gervais, The Japanese Office presents a fictional Japanese version of The Office as the original ...
Most British fans would recommend you this Christmas special episode of The Office, that served as its series finale ...
And, in a meta moment, The Office actually once mimicked a famous SNL sketch. In a season 3 episode, Carell’s Michael Scott ...
Mike Schur, who wrote on “SNL” before he left the late night show to work on “The Office,” shared his thoughts about a sketch ...
CYNICS said 2024’s television could only get worse after it started with ITV’s landmark drama Mr Bates Vs The Post Office.
It doesn’t help that people in comedy like to do things they deem “risky.” Pushing buttons is a big part of comedy. It works ...
Michael Schur who was once a writer of The Office, recently recalled what he felt about the SNL sketch named, The Japanese Office.
Helen Kelly is TV Editor at She covers all things TV and is a big fan of Outlander, Succession and The ...