Utahns should tell their leaders once and for all to stop wasting their time and money on this wild goose chase and embrace ...
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will conduct prescribed burns on public lands surrounding Bull Shoals and Norfork lakes ...
The land in Utah owned by the federal government — about two-thirds of the state — is now under new management. The U.S.
The Justice Department told two judges the new Interior leadership needs time to figure out how to proceed on legal ...
If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while hoping in vain for different results, then Utah’s leaders surely need to talk to a mental health professional ...
Years in the making, the bipartisan supported Expanding Public Lands Outdoor Recreation Experiences Act, or EXPLORE Act, ...
Kansas wildlife officials reexamined a ban on trail cameras used in hunting activities during a recent meeting in late ...
All public lake access to Upper Red Lake would be transferred to Red Lake Nation, potentially limiting public recreational ...
Rep. Amodei’s bill jeopardizes our ability to further protect our priceless natural and sacred landscapes and cultural ...
Agriculture committee asks Congress to give the state 30 million federal acres — including Grand Teton National Park.
TWO legal victories in the Supreme Court that remain with me to this day involved two vast prime lands of Fort Bonifacio — ...