Sealjuures võistlust vaatas kohapeal ka Mehis Viru, kellele kergejõustikuliit määras 2023. aastal kutse-eetika rikkumise eest tähtajatu treeneritöö keelu. Ent juriidiliselt oli Itaalias Bruusi ...
the firm did not immediately pay Shenaq for additional work in acquiring a transvaginal mesh mass tort case portfolio, the suit alleges. When Shenaq began asking questions about being paid ...
Brian Kemp is making tort reform a high priority. Even before the session began two weeks ago, Kemp issued a call for tort reform in a speech to newly elected and returning legislators in a ...
Just three weeks before the 51st Tartu Ski Marathon is due to take place, the organizers are considering the possibility of relocating the event to Ida-Viru County due to the lack of snow on the usual ...