Also known as Biuli Dal Er Boda in Bengali, this vada recipe is made with a thick mixture of grounded urad dal, sooji (for crisp), chillies, onion and other tantalizing spices. First up, grind soaked ...
There's a non-veg version of it too. This beloved South Indian treat has a urad dal base. Crisp on the outside and soft on the inside, it is best enjoyed with sambar and chutneys. Another vada recipe ...
Served with pickles, yoghurt, or papad, Urad Dal Khichdi is a heartwarming dish that showcases simplicity at its best. A popular South Indian snack, Medu Vada is a crispy and golden fritter made ...
Remove the skins and mash the flesh, then set aside. Add the vegetable oil to a large saucepan over a low heat and stir in the urad dal to toast for a few minutes. Add the mustard seeds ...