One of the PS1 era's cult classic RPGs, The Legend of Dragoon, surprises fans with a new update now available on PS5.
Sony has rolled out The Legend of Dragoon update 1.000.004, which is a surprise patch for the RPG, and this manages to fix ...
The Legend of Dragoon was originally released in North America during the year 2000, you can play it on PS5 and receive updates too.
Classic PS1 JRPG The Legend of Dragoon just received a quiet patch on PS5 that allegedly fixes most of the issues in the ...
A PS1 exclusive RPG from the year 2000 just got a new update on PS5 via PSN and from Sony, but it is unclear what it does.
Download the new patch for The Legend of Dragoon on PS5 now, which fixes a number of lingering issues with the PSOne classic.
The Legend of Dragoon has received a PS5 update that fixes some bugs that have hounded this classic PS1 JRPG. However, PS4 players look to have been forgotten.
Meanwhile, Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodlines 2 has been in development for a number of years now, and was originally ...
Some, like The Legend of Dragoon, haven't been active since the original PlayStation. It had some fans (including myself) feeling like Sony was trying to talk out of both sides of its mouth.