If you don't have time to make homemade gravy, a store-bought option will do. Here's our ranking of popular gravies, so ...
Jordenson Jean was working an off-duty detail at ShopRite in full police uniform when store staff alerted him to a woman attempting to leave after paying for only 11 items while having a cart full of ...
The new World Class ShopRite will fill the space once occupied by Kmart at Manahawkin Commons. The store will be about 40,000 square feet than the Stafford ShopRite it is replacing. This part of ...
Shoprite CEO Pieter Engelbrecht has warned that food tax increases through a VAT hike would destroy any signs of recovery for South African consumers. Last month, the nation’s budget was ...
Shoprite’s profit increased by 11.9% to R3.71 billion over 26 weeks - which means, the group made approximately R20 million a day during this period. South Africa’s largest food retailer ...
ShopRite is hiring 150 workers for its new, expanded store in Watchung, New Jersey, this spring. Village Super Market, Inc., the store’s owner and operator, is seeking 150 employees for full ...
The Shoprite Group will launch its industry-leading on-demand grocery delivery service, Sixty60, at 19 Shoprite stores across eight provinces. This follows a pilot in Gauteng and the Western Cape.
Shoprite Holdings’s operating profit growth accelerated in first half, helped by rising demand in its home market of South Africa, which is recovering from debilitating power shortages. Africa ...