At the Kerala Literature Festival in Kozhikode earlier this month, the Aam Aadmi Party leader and author of ‘The Delhi Model’ spoke about prioritizing human capital, the efforts his party has made in ...
NAMPAK Zimbabwe Limited, a listed paper and packaging group, says it has a positive order book with sufficient orders in the tobacco, commercial, and horticultural sectors, confirming its status as a ...
With so much bad news about climate change lately, is it too late for the world to tackle the problem? Professor Felix Dodds and Chris Spence review the current state-of-play.
Adult game developers located in Japan are seemingly unable to collect any revenue for their work, with Japanese banks ...
In executive orders issued on January 20th, the day of Mr Trump’s inauguration, it said that it could respond by doubling taxes on citizens and firms from any offending countries. These orders ...