Dachsbun fills a very niche role in both the Great League and the Ultra League. It is a bulky Charm user with access to two 35-energy Charged Attacks. One of those is Psychic Fangs, which lowers ...
Pokemon GO often releases specimens in-game at a much slower rate than simply dumping a bunch of new additions in one big update, instead opting to introduce evolution lines, Regional Variants ...
Pokemon Go is introducing Gen 9 'Mon Fidough in global event. Fidough is a Fairy-type Pokemon that evolves into Dachsbun. Players participating in Fidough Fetch event can unlock rewards by ...
Fidough Fetch sees the release of Fidough and Dachsbun - the pastry dogs from Gen 9 - debut in Pokémon Go! Though, if you actually want to catch these new Pokémon, then you first need to partake ...