Sanctuary on the Moon’ is a lunar time capsule that provides a detailed guide to life on Earth for our future selves.
The BepiColombo spacecraft flew less than 200 miles from Mercury's surface and photographed volcanic plains and icy craters.
Elementary school students in Boise got a glimpse of outer space life. NASA astronaut Don Pettit video chatted with students about the International Space Station.
Firefighters have stopped the deadly flames from damaging the historic Mt. Wilson Observatory and NASA's Jet Propulsion ...
Though 2025 won't mark the return of astronauts into deep space as NASA had hoped, launchpads still will be scorching-hot from a procession of robotic spacecraft attempting to land on the moon . How ...
Enigmatic planet Mercury posed for some closeups when the BepiColombo mission flew by. Craters, bright regions and volcanic ...
Since New Horizons' close encounter with Pluto 10 years ago, experts have come to think of the dwarf planet as much more ...
The NASA mission broke its own record as it seeks to teach us more about our Sun, as well as reveal other secrets of the ...
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration encourages students across the United States and its territories to enter ...
Over a dozen adults and children gazed at the early evening sky outside the Sylmar Branch of the Los Angeles Public Library ...
One of these missions is the Outer Planet Atmosphere Legacy (OPAL) project, which involves Hubble making yearly observations ...
NASA astronaut Don Pettit's video of an "intensely green" aurora from the ISS has stirred online speculation about its ...