Vicepreședintele PE Nicu Ștefănuță a luat cuvântul pentru a cere ca propunerea ... Mariana Ionescu, editor online: Anda Badea) 13:54 - Comunicat de presă - Instituția Prefectului - Județul Vâlcea ...
Nicu are 23 de ani, a studiat Teologia ... Cei mai mulți își iau al doilea job pentru un venit suplimentar. Bogdan Badea - director platformă de recrutare online: Pentru cei mai mulți dintre ei, o ...
The Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA) has mandated banks for a three-year Euro Reg S bond. Banks mandated for the senior unsecured bond include African Export-Import Bank, Citi, ...
The Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa’s (BADEA) has priced its 750 million euro Reg S three-year bond at mid-swap +75 basis points (bps), tighter than its price guidance. The coupon payable ...
Marco Badea este un om cu studii juridice și socio-politice. Pasionat de mediu, radio și geopolitică, Marco Badea este un jurnalist care atunci când nu a mai fost angajat într-o instituție ...
A former Virginia nurse is now being charged with eight counts of abuse and malicious wounding after seven babies were found with unexplained fractures in a neonatal intensive care unit.
PHOENIX (AZFamily) — Amid the beeping, the hustle and stress that often can be found in a hospital room, volunteer Julia Curtiss is giving NICU babies some comfort. “So far it’s been really ...
Police are investigating a fight at a downtown Phoenix nightclub that left a man hospitalized in serious condition. Phoenix city leaders will vote on a half-percent sales tax increase to make up ...
The dancer and influencer, 27, shared an update on her baby boy during his stay in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) on Instagram. In the black and white close-up photo, her newborn can be ...
A former NICU nurse at a Virginia hospital who has been accused of abusing seven premature babies was released from custody last week. Erin Strotman, 26, was arrested in January after ...
“Baby boy is still in the NICU but is getting better every day, hoping to bring him home soon爛 ️‍啕,” Arnold, 28, wrote via Instagram on Thursday, February 20. “Thank you all for ...