"I came, I saw, I conquered.” These famous words, spoken by Julius Caesar, embody the spirit of bold and decisive action.
A remote Shetland island is celebrating its New Year's Day - two weeks after other parts of the world. Foula - which is home ...
Foula, a small island in the Shetland Archipelago, has just 35 residents and no pubs, shops, or Wi-Fi. They follow the Julian calendar, celebrating New Year on January 13th. An island resident shares ...
Celebrations vary from culture to culture, but typically on the first day of Lunar New Year people visit the senior members ...
Due to miscalculations, the Julian calendar overestimates the solar year by approximately 11 minutes ... but it also kicks off Carnival season in New Orleans. Although some people use Carnival ...
becoming common New Year's Days. Then, in 1582, Pope Gregory XIII brought a revised calendar. This was because the Julian one required additional changes due to a miscalculation in leap years ...