SINGAPORE] Gold prices are continuing to notch new highs amid geopolitical risks and economic uncertainties. But analysts warn that investors turning to mining stocks to capitalise on the gold rush ...
China expanded its influence in the Indo-Pacific through diplomatic outreach, infrastructure investment, and coordinated ...
The consortium expects phase 4 to average 21,000 barrels of oil equivalent a day. The development consists of three oil ...
Indonesia is considering raising royalties paid by mining companies such as coal, nickel, copper, gold and tin, its mining ministry said in a public consultation event over the weekend.
Indonesia is proposing hiking royalties paid by miners in a bid to bolster public finances that are being strained by ...
Resources Engineering, or engineers, are concerned with resource development involving extracting and processing ores from ...
Shell has begun oil production at the fourth phase of its Gumusut-Kakap-Geronggong-Jagus East deepwater project offshore ...
Name of the Project Eva copper mine project. Location Queensland, Australia. Project Owner/s Harmony Gold Mining Company ...
Malaysia’s government unveiled legislation to regulate carbon capture and storage activities that will allow the oil producer ...
Malaysia announced Arm Holdings Plc's imminent deal to establish a base in Malaysia, highlighting the importance of political ...
Mithril shares gained strongly on gold and silver hits, with yet more drilling to come at its Copalquin project in Mexico.
The National Park Service and an Australian company are at odds over an old Mojave Desert gold mine, where the company is ...