His name has gained wider recognition in more recent decades, but civil rights activist and organizer Bayard Rustin has long ...
Project 2025 aims to recreate the state-sanctioned discrimination and inequality that our ancestors fought to end.
Go to a MLK celebration these days and you will hear Black politicians using this holiday as a platform to run for Office.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke about the “other America” to a union group in New York. In his remarks, he condemned the structural nature of poverty, saying “this country has socialism ...
For the Rev. Martin Luther King’s birthday commemoration to be recognized on the same day that his very antithesis is ...
Adams canceled commitments to take part in Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday celebrations in New York City to rush down to ...
Rustin and Randolph worked again in 1948 on a successful campaign to end segregation in the U.S. military under President Harry Truman. A pacifist, Rustin protested World War II by resisting the draft ...
Several Virginia organizations and their supporters gathered at Monroe Park on Monday for the “We Fight Back” National Day of Action to express their opposition to President Donald Trump’s ...
One viral video shows a man rambling around a Target, screaming profanities at the low-level employees, accusing them of discriminating against black people.
As Donald Trump took the oath to become president for a second time, people gathered in downtown Columbus to rally against ...
Martin Luther King's study, Dexter Parsonage Museum ... Bellamy predicts that we’ll be a socialist society with things like free medical care, unemployment insurance, etc.