The Japan Cold Chain Logistics Market is experiencing significant growth, driven by increasing consumer demand for fresh and convenient food products, alongside a rapidly growing elderly population.
In this article, we are going to take a look at where KWESST Micro Systems Inc. (NASDAQ:KWE) stands against other defense stocks that are declining this week. Defense stocks were volatile last month.
But evidence for Callisto's subsurface ocean has remained inconclusive, as the moon has an intense ionosphere. Scientists thought this electrically conductive upper part of the moon's atmosphere ...
The third United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC3), to be held in Nice, France, in June, could help to redefine global ocean governance. But the conference’s political statement — the UNOC3 ...
New evidence from an old NASA mission supports the theory that Jupiter's moon Callisto is in fact an ocean world. Credit: NASA / JPL / DLR A moon of Jupiter about the size of Mercury likely has a ...
My father, Archie Gabriel, had a horse ranch here in the Pines during the 60s and 70s. It was right where the Kanehsatà:ke elementary school is now. We used to bring the horses through the Pines ...
Morningstar Quantitative Ratings for Stocks are generated using an algorithm that compares companies that are not under analyst coverage to peer companies that do receive analyst-driven ratings ...
REV Ocean—which stands for Rosellinis Four-10’s Research Expedition Vessel—will be the world’s most advanced research and expedition vessel when it’s delivered in 2027. At 639 feet ...
This striking satellite image, taken from Google Maps in 2021, shows a bizarre, jet-black, triangular structure in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. At the time, the mysterious object, which was ...
The contents of three large metal cases have changed our understanding of life under the ocean. Inside were vials of sediment hauled up from a record 8km below the surface of the Pacific Ocean.
Nauticus Robotics, Inc. (NASDAQ:KITT) develops autonomous robots for the ocean industry. It is also a key player in the defense sector. In January this year, the company forged a strategic ...