Tollywood filmmaker Arun Roy, best known for his critically acclaimed films Bagha Jatin (2023) and Hiralal (2021), died of a severe lung infection on Thursday morning after battling cancer for over a ...
There’s no urgency as the existing legal framework to handle such things is satisfactory at the moment. One has to… ...
Renowned composer Lalit Pandit, one half of the iconic duo Jatin-Lalit, recently shared a heartfelt story about their final project together—the soundtrack of ‘Fanaa’. The 2006 film ...
There needs to be agile thinking in response to the rapidly evolving AI and Generative AI technologies, says Jatin Dalal, CFO of Cognizant. In an interview to CNBC-TV18, Dalal highlighted the ...
It has been nearly three weeks since my redundancy and I have been reflecting on many aspects of my professional life. I loved my role at Create & Craft (Hochanda Global Ltd). It was just an ...