Tamil Nadu's pro boxer Sabari Jaishankar will star in the Super Fighter Series, an international professional boxing event to be held on February 7 in Bangkok, where two other Indians from Mizoram ...
Irish professional mixed martial artist, professional boxer, and businessman Conor McGregor tweeted Sunday morning: “To raise the flag of a terrorist organization on Irish soil must become a ...
In pro wrestling, that was evident with matchups ... it was teased that two of the biggest influencers in the world will face off in a boxing ring to determine who is the best to put on a pair ...
Undefeated in eight professional fights, Fafera took up the sport more seriously after taking part in a charity fundraising boxing event arranged by York’s Legions Gym for the city’s Special ...
The 2023 world championship bronze medallist is currently being trained by former professional boxer Ronald Simms.
Star Indian boxer Nishant Dev made a smashing professional debut as he demolished USA's Alton Wiggins in the super-welterweight category at The Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas. In a dominating debut ...
Yet as Conor McGregor sets his sights on growing the BKFC brand into a global combat sports powerhouse, what does he think about professional boxers making such a switch? Ahead of a truly ...
The WWE, I'm not sure what their interest in it was." McGregor fought Floyd Mayweather in a professional boxing match in 2017, a fight for which the UFC granted him permission. A former two-weight ...
“Rigging a professional boxing match is a federal crime in the United States of America. Paul vs Tyson was a professional match sanctioned by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations ...