It follows 16-year-old Dora (Isabela Moner), her pet monkey, Boots, and their friends as they set off on a thrilling adventure to find Parapata-the Lost City of Gold in Peru before the bad guys, led ...
With the support of a talented cast, including Isabela Moner, Gustavo Quiroz, Julianna Gamiz, Octavia Spencer, and Margo Martindale, the story unravels the challenges and joys of instant parenthood.
Isabela Ferrer, who played the younger version of Lively’s character Lily in flashbacks, was among the It Ends with Us collaborators who reportedly unfollowed Baldoni on social media and did not ...
In the mystery thriller Conclave, Italian-American actress Isabella Rossellini, 72, plays a nun named Sister Agnes. During a conclave – the centuries-old, closely guarded meeting where cardinals ...
Isabella and her twin sister Sophia shared photos from the sunny Bahamas Lawrence Yee joined PEOPLE in December 2023 as the Senior News Editor, Nights. His work has previously appeared on The Wrap ...