A series of earthquakes with their epicenter in the Awash Fentale area have displaced close to 10,000 residents in the North Shewa Zone of the Amhara region, which borders the Afar region.
Researchers have linked the process to the physical dynamics of materials under stress, which could transform understanding of earthquake triggers and potentially aid in predicting seismic events.
Earthquake (announced) in the Women's Excellence championship: after a few days and the renunciation of three matches, Carpena raises the ...
Lyonne lurked at the margins of Hollywood a long time, an eccentric with self-confessed niche appeal. But in recent years, ...
The blaze was reported just after 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 22 in the area of Lake Hughes Road near the 5 Freeway, according ...
If you live in a part of the world at risk for wildfires, floods, blizzards, tornadoes, or earthquakes, there are ways you ...
A TEAM of Bangladeshi development professionals recently visited Nepal to study its disaster risk management strategies, ...
It’s interesting watching somebody sit at the pilot’s seat for the first time and that scared look on their face of, ‘I’m ...
Yellowstone National Park is noted for the geothermal marvels, but it is the threat below ground that holds the attention.
Poppy was dressed for success in the harsh sub-zero conditions, decked out in an all-orange outfit complete with a vest, ...