Current local time in Dushanbe (Asia/Dushanbe timezone). Get information about the Asia/Dushanbe time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is applicable) current ...
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The flagpole extending on top from the roof of the Muscatine County Courthouse will be permanently removed. Use of the flagpole ceased years ago and now that work is being done to the courthouse ...
Have you been good this year? If so, you may be interested to know that Google has launched its annual Santa tracking feature, allowing Santa to be tracked in real time on his journey to the North ...
It's time to recalibrate the navigation systems on ships, airplanes, and (given the time of year) Santa's sleigh: the position of the magnetic North Pole is officially being changed, continuing its ...
Hoping to keep tabs on the magnetic north's wandering ways, the World Magnetic Model 2025 has been released this week, revealing the latest official predicted placement of Earth's magnetic fields.