Daisuke Tsuji, who played Jin Sakai in Ghost of Tsushima, shared this story at an MCM Comic Con panel earlier today. Daisuke Tsuji, who played Jin Sakai in Ghost of Tsushima, almost had a role in ...
Set in 1274, players take control of the character Jin Sakai (portrayed by actor Daisuke Tsuji), the proud son of Clan Sakai who stands alone after an invading Mongol fleet decimates Sakai’s forces.
Ghost of Tsushima was one of the last few PlayStation exclusives to be released before the gaming community transitioned to the next generation, but it was one of the best titles yet.
Since Ghost of Tsushima is literally named after its protagonist, Jin Sakai, the game's story naturally revolves around the character. That's what makes a major cut to his backstory so significant ...
Transgender dancer Jin Xing’s ascent to the upper echelons of Chinese show business is extraordinary in a nation where it has become increasingly difficult for LGBTQ+ people to live openly.
Ghost of Yotei can evolve combat by revisiting stances from Ghost of Tsushima for nostalgia. Atsu can learn stances indirectly through Jin's legacy or unique new stances for versatility.
So, in order to explore new avenues beyond Jin Sakai's story in Ghost of Tsushima, Ghost of Yotei will put us in the role of a new protagonist known as Atsu. "At Sucker Punch we love origin ...
This is a TV series of 18 episodes based on the 2024 movie 'Dead Dead Demon's Dededede Destruction,' which was released in two parts. It includes episodes that could not be included in the movie ...
Social media posts wrongly claim those pardoned included a Chinese national, Shanlin Jin, imprisoned for child pornography. Jin was granted clemency as part of a prisoner swap last month that ...
However, few likely guessed that the second game in the series would depart from the story of Jin Sakai and travel several hundred years in the future to a brand new story. Despite selling well, Ghost ...
The Netflix series "Trunk," released Friday, also includes sex scenes involving actors Seo Hyun-jin and Gong Yoo. Seo, speaking at a press conference, expressed her thoughts on such scenes.