Anthropomorphizing AI creates dangerous blind spots in business decision-making beyond simple operational inefficiencies.
I understand why people are falling for ChatGPT boyfriends - As technologies develop and dating burnout rages on, Olivia ...
Over a million years ago, Homo erectus demonstrated remarkable adaptability by thriving in harsh desert environments, ...
Somehow, H. erectus was able to adjust to this new landscape. The early humans visited water holes that popped up after it ...
How can chimpanzees, so closely related to humans, have almost no sense of rhythm? Behavioral biologist Michelle Spierings ...
A wild boar adopted by a French horse breeder can remain with her owner, a court ruled on Thursday, after threats by ...
Two new articles document progress in neuroprosthetic technology that lets people feel the shape and movement of objects moving over the 'skin' of a bionic hand.
A long-standing question about when archaic members of the genus Homo adapted to harsh environments such as deserts and rainforests has been answered in a new research paper.
Chemicals in the tooth enamel of Australopithecus suggest the early human ancestors ate very little meat, dining on vegetation instead.
A million years ago, a species known as Homo erectus most likely survived in an arid desert with no trees. By Carl Zimmer ...